George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin’s Wedding Will Take Place in Lebanon


A friend jokingly recently said that never since the days of the biggest plate of Tabbouleh have we had a surge in our national pride as when Amal Alamuddin, the international Lebanese British lawyer, got engaged to George Clooney. Well, ladies and gentlemen brace yourselves for another wave of Lebanese pride.

Amal Alamuddin, inspiring many other Lebanese women to set out plans to hitch Hollywood’s next eligible bachelor, is reportedly returning home for the “it” wedding of the year. At least on Lebanese levels.

Sources close to Alamuddin’s family have indicated that Alamuddin and Clooney will tie the knot in Lebanon this coming September. The location for the nuptials is reportedly Alamuddin’s own hometown, Baaklin. Apparently one can’t say Alamuddin isn’t proud of where she originally comes from.

In the very likely setting that this information turns out true, I wouldn’t be going out on a limb to say that Lebanon would get an amount of international attention that is unprecedented. What’s even better is that the attention we’d get won’t the cliche war-torn nation of diversity where Christians and Muslims try to co-exist and of Beirut being the city of the Phoenix, resurrecting from its civil war ashes and whatnot. This wedding could be what we need not to remain a country where we ride camels and live in tents. Be excited, people!

So Lebanon’s ministry of tourism, prepare yourself. Your next set of ads will be about how this little country of ours is where George Clooney tied his knot. Lebanon’s ministry of interior, prepare yourself as well – we can’t allow any signs instability until September at least even if our parliament fails to get its stuff together and elect a president. Such irrelevant details need to take a backseat to the impeding mayhem of the big fat Lebanese wedding about to take center stage.





47 thoughts on “George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin’s Wedding Will Take Place in Lebanon

  1. ‘This wedding could be what we need not to remain a country where we ride camels and live in tents.’
    who wrote this article? tents and camels? what country is he talking about? Since when Lebanese live in tents and ride camels?
    Never heard of it, never happened…get your facts right!


  2. I wonder, if they are really going to marry here how it is going to work… Maybe they will finally discover the importance of having a civil marriage in Lebanon :P.. Thank you Clooney and Amal for this !


  3. “…. a country where we ride camels and live in tents”

    Apparently, the one who wrote this article has never been to Lebanon and knows nothing about its culture.


  4. What an awfully written article that promotes nothing but groundless nationalism.

    For two internationally renowned celebrities to marry in Lebanon gives it no merit for improvement. You can argue that this may boost tourism and publicity to the country; however, do you not notice that such is not enough for economic growth? The general public will remain poor and the rich will become richer. Yes, those that hold prestigious restaurants and hotels, the tourism agencies that earn their full share of profits from inflated prices, and so on. Overall, aside from this little bump of international publicity and barely noteworthy increase in the influx of money, everything else is likely to remain in its current state.

    National reform? That does not happen when celebrities get married. One cannot make the argument that such a union between Amaleddine and Clooney indicates the marriage of governmental relations between the US and Lebanon. It is people like the author of this article that Lebanon needs to purge away in order to prosper. What is to be proud of as a Lebanese citizen in such a marriage? Are you going to engage in coitus with George Clooney? How is that anything special? He is a human being — like you.

    What is there to be proud of if Shakira has Lebanese roots, or whoever it may be? Their success is not because of some assumed genetic advantage proclaimed by belonging to a national identity, but rather the way in which they steered their life. Quit being proud for silly things, let alone other people’s success, and attempt to build your own.


    • I see the entire notion of sarcasm has flown right over your head. I recommend a healthy dose of chill pills stat or that you read some of my other posts, the most relevant of which is barely a week old.

      I do hope this rant made you feel better though. It’s not something I haven’t heard before, but I daresay it has nothing to do with the content of the post at hand or George Clooney’s marriage. Again, chill pill stat.


      • While I am fondly aware of the concept of sarcasm, your website bears no visible disclaimer of such humour. This leads many of the readers to consider your articles to reflect a serious tone. No, this does not reflect a lack of their intellectual capacity. On the other hand, it reflects the expectation of this website to be a news-reporting website.

        Consider checking “The Onion” and their website for a disclaimer regarding sarcasm/satire.

        Additionally, my remarks have no bearing toward my internal emotional state: noting these remarks in disfavour of your article is influenced by the inherently erroneous assumptions and correlations provided therein, wishing to deny them and hanging a “Shou khas?” banner — as Lebanese people often do — would be another error of perception you commit. My previous comment to your posts highlights my reflections regarding the twisted “logic” of self-exalting Lebanese individuals who attempt to boost their nationalism by deriving honour from the milestones and accomplishments of celebrities. Compare your post to my previous comment to see how my response targets your article.


        • Most of the stuff he writes is pretty serious if you actually read it, so there’s no reason for this blog to bear any visible declaimer of any non-existent humor, this is nothing like The Onion, he just happened to write this one post where he pokes fun at all the irrelevant things that some people care about when this country has so many problems that need solving, I thought it was pretty obvious especially when he said “We can’t allow any signs of instability until September at least even if our parliament fails to get its stuff together and elect a president. Such irrelevant details need to take a backseat to the impeding mayhem of the big fat Lebanese wedding about to take center stage.”, I mean, come on, really?


        • Jane, I agree with you, but please try to always keep in mind that the Lebanese people are full of ‘everything’ all the time, and sarcasm is second nature to them they can’t escape it even when they try to be serious.


  5. Elie, I feel sorry that half the reactions u got were proudly questioning your knowledge of the lebanese transportation system. I think you should stop writing and go back to your tent.


  6. Take it easy guys, i didn’t see any offense whatsoever in Elie’s words to our so called “Lebanese Pride” , yes we are a tiny country struggling to emerge from this never ending chaos in and around us, and to reduce our world highest corruption level,yes we do drive luxury cars but yet, our roads infrastructure is barely suitable for “camels”.


  7. Brilliant article! Love the tongue in cheek! Made me chuckle! My Bestie is Lebanese and HE is uber excited for this big fat Lebanese wedding and the positive exposure it will bring to people who have no clue what an amazing country it is!!!


  8. Hoping to tone things down a bit, in a recent visit to a foreign country that has impacted world politics for decades, not only was I and my friend asked about tents and camels, but also about the existance of swimming, skiing, and movies (for example). Sarcastically enough we went along and informed the inquirers that our tents come in high rise, camels are ordered with humps related to the number of family members, and best of all, we come from a tribe with hearts on the right side of the chest.
    well they bought it.
    Face it, the world knows about us what the foreign media tells them and unfortunately its all black. What we see on middle eastern oriented satellite news is not what is broadcasted to the rest of the world. Our part of the world has never really engaged itself in painting a nice portrait of what we really are, which again is unfortunately not something to be proud of at the present.
    On another note, and so that Lebanon gets the best advantage of this marriage by having a Lebanese George Cloony, the Lebanese naturlization law will definitely see an ammendment that allows the Lebanese woman to bestow upon her husband and children the Lebanese identity. Yay what an achievment.


  9. I can’t even imagine the level of frivolity and shallowness this article reaches. I can’t believe how insecure and in desperate need for recognition by the fake world of “shining stars” the author seems to be. And what I can’t understand the most is the fact the only way to achieve this mundane dream of being praised by the west is to wait for some male celebrity to come and grace us with his presence. How grovelling of you! Are we that lame and uncreative?! Why don’t you do something to actually solve the ongoing, engrained hate and bigotry that the Lebanese factions hold towards each other? Do you really think that we are no longer a war zone? Look closer habibi. With this mindset war is anything but over; it’s dormant and waiting to strike. So why don’t we take pride in attempting to find ways to fix this in lieu of sitting here eager to show the world the shiny, albeit spurious, side of our country?

    Please don’t attack. My objective is not to have a cyber fight. It is to try to make you realize how fickle this cover-up world recognition might be when the backbone of the country is shaky.


    • This is in response to you and all of those above who have done nothing but attack this article for reasons I fail to see. The writer was clearly being sarcastic because believe it or not those who live way further than your brains can even think, actually did believe that we live in tents and use camels as means of transportation. These countries are actually the so called educated countries starting from the USA and beyound.

      As far as the change you are so desperate for Mr. Tarek, how about YOU start with it by being a little more optimistic and seeing things from a more positive perspective. No, we don’t need a celebrity to speak well of our country but since he’s on his way here getting married to a DRUZE which might I add is the most difficult religion to marry outside their religion, why not start with that and have him speak well of our country rather than keep the wrong impression the whole world has about us?

      I don’t understand what’s with all this attack for being excited A- for the Druze who have been struggling with this preposterous issue of needing to marry another Druze and if they don’t then they either stay single for as long as their parents stay alive or they get disowned and B- it’s just another excuse to have the spot light on us and show them how we Lebanese really are.

      So you can either help us show them the civilized and educated Lebanese that we are, therefore BE that change or you can sit and diss this article and be like the rest of them who are good at complaining and do nothing about it.

      Great article, great expectations and hopefully you will all learn to show one united love!!!


  10. To the author of this article: I would think as a writer you would at least be professional enough to check your facts before posting you comments. There are no camels in Lebanon and nor do the Lebanese sleep in tents. You are obviously mixing up your continents. Do you even know where Lebanon is on a map?
    For the record, Lebanese women do not need to marry famous, Hollywood womanizers to make something of themselves – this is such a typical, American mentality – marry big, be big!
    Go get your facts and then call yourself a writer.


  11. Wow… I honestly can’t tell who is more pathetic: people who actually think we live in tents, or people who didn’t get this article’s sarcasm and offbeat humor


  12. Some people did not see the sarcasm and they are for real attacking the writer. You need to attend English 101 all over again. Walaw!


  13. OMG!!! Some people REALLY have no sense of humour! Elie Fares, your article was funny, and your replies were perfect! Too polite actually. Those complaining about the ‘camels & tents’, here’s a peaceful advice (very peaceful – i’m into sarcasm, i don’t do shooting): time to get out more, meet some people, and get over your inferiority complex! Basically, get a life. I have been asked a million times if we ride camels in Lebanon!



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