Hijabi Porn and National Anthem Pride: Lebanon’s New Joy, #1 Porn Star Mia Khalifa

Being the Switzerland and Paris of the Middle East, it is our duty to prove that we are open minded and not as wretched as the region we are in. Therefore, it is with blinding enthusiasm that Lebanese have jumped on the enticing bandwagon of having a girl of Lebanese origins named the #1 porn star of the moment by Pornhub.

Pornhub Mia Khalifa

Ironically, the same person that blasted Myriam Klink last year  was quick to chat up Mia on Twitter and try to schedule a “meeting.”

Nemr Bou Nassar, Mia Khalifa

And then there were those spear-heading Mia’s right to do whatever she wants with her body and to the penises of countless men around the Earth. Porn is porn. It is expression. It is freedom. It is our God-given right. Isn’t this the same as Jackie Chamoun last year?

Except it’s not quite the same. Jackie Chamoun wasn’t a porn star. Her career didn’t revolve around how many moans and orgasms she could fake per minute. Her rise to fame was not because she made it with porn, and the aftermath of Jackie Chamoun was one of the more interesting debates in the country of the past year.

When it comes to Mia Khalife, the only thing people are capable of discussing at this point are three things:

  1. How big her breasts are and either that is a turn on or turn off,
  2. How many times they’ve masturbated to videos of her already, shouting “GO LEBANON” with each orgasm,
  3. How awesome it is to see her screw with that Lebanese tattoo on her left arm. You don’t believe me? Here’s a NSFW picture:
Tam tarummmm, tam tarum....

Tam tarummmm, tam tarum….

There’s obviously something to be proud of about someone taking our national anthem all the way to American porn history galore, embodying precisely what the anthem is all about: We are all for country, for heights, for the flag. Oh Mia, oh Mia, oh Mia.

And then there’s of course that bit where Lebanon’s very own pride and joy Mia Khalife decided to do a porn video in a hijab, from “acting” along with a hijabi mother who doesn’t approve of her boyfriend – how cliche – and is worried about how her father – Muslim mentality and all – would react. So exciting. To both mother and daughter blowing the guy in their hijab before proceeding to sleep with him on the couch. Riveting.

There’s obviously something to be proud of about a Lebanese who takes a symbol of one of the country’s leading religions and desecrates it in the way that she did. I’m all for whatever expression people like to give their 21st century neo-liberal ideas nowadays, but being proud of someone who fucked her way to the top in a hijab is something I can’t spin into favorable light. In fact, the reason she’s becoming big now is this hijabi porn video:

Mia Khalifa Hijab Porn

There are many Lebanese to be proud of. I even made a list, just in case. But it is in my opinion that there should be a limit to what someone can do – Lebanese or not – before we turn them into the frontrunners of the fights against Da’esh and censorship. Mia Khalife is doing nothing of the sort.

Mia Khalife may look more Lebanese than a lot of Lebanese girls in Lebanon, but a national hero she is not. Is she free to do whatever she feels like? Of course she is. Should we make into more than it is: a silly porn? No. Whatever you do, however, please don’t strip for her. She already did that plenty for you.

14 thoughts on “Hijabi Porn and National Anthem Pride: Lebanon’s New Joy, #1 Porn Star Mia Khalifa

  1. Pingback: Who fap to her? #1 Porn Star Mia Khalifa - www.hardwarezone.com.sg

  2. Pingback: What triggered my blog: An article about porn! | طفح الكيل

  3. Regarding your comment about Nemr, there’s a difference between Myriam Klink and Mia Khalife. And that’s that Klink represents a lot of what’s wrong with our society, hyper sexualized look and behavior but claiming purity and chastity. Just another form of the many forms of hypocrisy our society suffers from.

    Mia, at least, is upfront about what she does. No illusions. She’s not pretending to be a pillar of the community or a revolutionary. That honesty is what I think is worth taking away from her story.


  4. Even though her “success” in porn industry shouldn’t be something she should be proud of, knowing the negative impact it has on many people’s sexual behaviors, she is free to do whatever she wants, even with a hijab. Feeling offended because someone in the world is (supposedly) insulting your beliefs is a waste of time and energy.
    On the other hand, can’t we stop this fashion of picking every achievement a lebanese folk made in a foreign country and trying to make people feel proud of their nation? Amal Alamuddine is a great lawyer, Rand Hindi a great inventor, Mia Khalifa is for some a great porn actress etc. Ok. But let’s first think about those who are trying to make things change in LEBANON (Elias Maalouf, president of Train-Train ngo, Terre Liban ngo, Sakker el Dekkene, Save Beirut Heritage ngo, Al-Sa’eh Library in Tripoli by Father Srouj, that has reopened, Hanna Gharib and Neeme Mahfoud etc.) , because actually these great success-stories are meaningless for the lebanese that struggle in their country, and sound more like an invitation to emigrate instead of a reason to be proud of our country.


  5. Couldnt agree more. All i see on my newsfeed is people glorifying her and like 3 idiots who want her dead. I would really love it if I dont have to raise my kids in a society that glorifies porn stars. Im not saying lets crucify her or shun her, but just dont make her into a hero. Unfortunately with all this controversy, we should be expecting a reality tv show about this ethnic girl making it big in LA soon.


  6. Pingback: How Lebanon Absolutely Failed When ISIS Killed Our Soldiers | A Separate State of Mind | A Lebanese Blog

  7. Pingback: Mia Khalifa and Our Problem With Porn - MissMillMag

  8. Pingback: Mia Khalifa and Our Problem With Porn - Miss Millennia Magazine

  9. “Porn is our God given right”
    I disagree 100%. First of all Our Lord was not scourged in vain because of sins of our flesh.
    Second, you know these porn actors and actresses got AIDS and STDS from acting without any safety.
    Third, a lot of marriages are broken because some men (especially women) can have access to them on Internet.
    Chastity is God-given. Not porn, not sexual lust it is not true freedom rather they become slaves.



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