Beirut Filled With Pride Flags, Despite The Cultural Terrorism That Lebanon’s Government Allows

Pictures via Helem.

In Lebanon, religious extremism and cultural terrorism are more accepted than basic human rights. We’ve known this for a while, but got another reminder this week when a fringe religiously extreme group with so much political clout managed to get the Lebanese government to force the cancellation of two scheduled events as part of Beirut’s pride week.

The latest event was organized by the Arab World’s first ever LGBT advocacy NGO Helem, and was aimed at raising awareness through actual facts and expert opinion about the LGBT community in Lebanon. It was supposed to be one of the last events to take place during Beirut’s Pride Week schedule, until Lebanon’s security forces “couldn’t ensure the security of the event” anymore, as was relayed to the location that was hosting it. When Metro El Madina, the location hosting the event, resisted, the pressure from official sides in Lebanon’s governance also rose leading to the event’s cancellation.

As I said before, religious extreme group in Lebanon are a cancer in our society, regardless of which religion they practice. They come in all forms and have been given so much power by our political system that they can literally walk all over our personal liberties and the only thing we can do is sit by and watch as they do so, under the guise of various dimwitted slogans that they permeate, mostly about how anything their religious beliefs don’t conform with is a western ploy to destroy our societies and a sin aimed at fragmenting the fabrics of Lebanon’s holy society.

Except it’s exactly their religious extremism that’s the main threat behind everything Lebanon stands for, when it comes to its societal fabric and construct. The fact that they are allowed to perpetuate their sickening beliefs and force them onto everyone else, especially when the people they’re trying to oppress are acting within their legal and constitutional rights, is horrifying. And this won’t change any time soon.

Shame on Lebanon’s government. They’re the side to blame about both cancellations here. They’re the ones who couldn’t put an irrelevant religiously extreme group in its place and allow an event that was planned within the framework of Lebanon’s guaranteed freedom of expression from going through unscathed. They’re the ones who have allowed our rights as Lebanese to be entirely dependent on whether they abide by the moral code of some religious group somewhere. They’re the ones who don’t have the spine to stand up for the citizens they’re bound to protect.

If Lebanon’s government thinks that massive PR overhaul the country needs will only come through articles in American or European media about how beautiful the country is to visit, they’re massively mistaken. It will come through events such as Pride Week that show the world that this country in the Middle East is grossly different than all of its surroundings and that minds are more open and tolerant here, and that maybe it’d be worth looking at Lebanon with consideration.

And yet, despite all of the religious extremism and cultural terrorism that’s permitted by our political system, Beirut’s Mar Mikhael neighborhood has its bars filled with the LGBT pride flag, also known as the rainbow flag, in order to celebrate the end of the Arab world’s first ever pride week.

As you can see from the above picture gallery, with pictures taken off Helem’s Facebook page, more than a dozen bars around the area sported the flag on one of their busiest nights of the week as a sign of solidarity. This shows that, against all odds, Lebanon’s youth is coming together to advance rights in the country for everyone. Maybe there is light at the end of that tunnel after all?

It’s truly a beautiful sight to see Beirut, against all odds and all threats, wear those flags in such a high profile area and literally not give a fuck about the police or the government behind the police or the extremists who run our government behind the scenes. Perhaps it bodes for a better future. Perhaps one might be foolish in being hopeful, but for such flags to fly high in the Middle East is, well, unheard of. Beirut literally did that.

Now let’s wait for those religiously extreme people’s minds to blow.

5 thoughts on “Beirut Filled With Pride Flags, Despite The Cultural Terrorism That Lebanon’s Government Allows

  1. & yet who of us have not had our favourite much loved gay priest or gay couple *in* Church who are referred to by the priest & elderly people as ‘roommates’. Jesus Christ Himself said some are ‘made eunuchs & some are born’. Homophobic people take those words & try to twist them round to say He was not referring to gay people or people who fall between the binary concept of the sexes. I think His words are clear.

    My own grandfather who helped found a Maronite Church in Ohio – USA (despite being Melkite) in the early 20th c. at the very same time had a nightclub in the 1930s during something called the ‘Pansy Craze’ in Europe & the States. (Think of the film ‘Cabaret’). Someone sent me a link to a photo of a poster from the club advertising ‘Gay Boy Reviews’. 🙂 Lebanese have a long history of blurring the lines between binary sexual roles going back to at least the Phoenicians & we should really embrace & be proud of that. (Nightclubs… the fashion industry… fashion designers… theatre… My dad was in the music industry & I worked in fashion: these are not the straightest industries on the planet & *proportionately* we Lebanese make up more than our share in these!).

    Christians are taught that they/we are all the ‘bride’ of Christ. This is a profound statement as it erases the line between the sexes/sexual identity. I’m not sure how to address this from a Muslim perspective & probably somebody else can do that better (also the Arabs had ‘eunuchs’ & not all were *made* eunuchs) — but I think a lot of older people (such as my dad who once told me there were *no* Lebanese gay men!) who are Christians & use that as an excuse to judge LGBT people should examine/understand their own ancestral indigenous religion & history for answers pointing toward inclusion.


  2. Sorry! I hadn’t seen your previous post addressing some of what I wrote here (such as our Lebanese history w/ acceptance of people who fall outside of strict binary roles) before I posted my previous comment here. I’m glad for this though (that I’ve written something similar) as one often feels like a voice in the wilderness!


  3. zoe my friend you don’t know what you’re talking about, especially when you deliberately falsify religious references to give credibility to your point. truly people today have no inkling of religious scripture but still insist on shamelessly using scripture in distorted and dishonest ways to make religion fit into their ideology. even more hypocritical is when anti-religious people have that knack in using religious references demonstrating their cluelessness. if your religious knowledge is nil, please, stick to science and rationalism, but even in that department, the LGBTQHIV+++ crowd is severely lacking.


  4. what cultural terrorism? were the places displaying LGBTQHIV flags attacked or forced to close in beirut? No. But quite a few traditional shops in europe and the US were sued by the LGBTQHIV lobby for not wishing to cater to LGBTQHIV clients. THIS is cultural terrorism from a rabid lobby who is claiming victimhood in Lebanon but is bullying scientific institutions, private businesses, media, and everybody who doesn’t submit to their vision of society.


  5. Pingback: Beirut Madinati to Beirut Pride – Hummus For Thought

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