In Lebanon, You Can Get Away With Murder, But Naming A Doctor Is Rare & Difficult


It’s beautiful, isn’t it, to be so influential and connected that you can get the judiciary branch in Lebanon to limit everyone’s freedom of speech in order to make sure whatever’s left of one’s reputation remains unscathed.

If you’ve ever thought that one might be able to go through living an abundant life in this country without being a wasta-full creature, you’ve thought wrong: a good wasta can literally subdue the constitutional rights of every single Lebanese citizen if it’s strong enough. And this has happened when a judge in the Metn area issued a ruling whereby mentioning a certain doctor’s name or the case in which they’re involved can render you broke.

Welcome to the country where you can get fined over $30,000 for mentioning a name or a case because that person involved is mighty enough to bend any law to their will. It’s an understatement to call this country we live in the Republic of shame.

In our daily saga of civil rights violations, not only are our bodies prone to become victims of murder, but so can our minds and our intelligence by systems that haven’t yet adapted to the fact that, in 2017, the truth will be out no matter what they do or who they try to suppress.

Shame on the judge who decided that a person’s ego is more important than a victim. Shame on the system that allows such creatures to prosper, perpetuate and stomp over everyone and everything in their wake, as they keep on rising in power and breaking everyone who’s threatening them.

Perhaps our legal system doesn’t know that such measures are a little too late. We all know what took place. We all know the cover ups that were attempted and that are still being attempted. When will our judges and this broken system we’re in learn that we are not the stupid helpless creatures they make us out to be, and that our intelligence will surpass their attempts at suppressing our voices?

You can try and rationalize such a judiciary decision as trying to prevent media from coming up with conspiracy theories or whatever. The fact remains that if it hadn’t been for that media, no one would have known about the case in question in the first place, and the doctor in question would’ve gotten off the hook.

In lawless lands, it is that media that keeps everyone in check. Forcing them to be silent will only lead to further degradation of our rights, as any semblance of laws are thrown out of the window of the highest and most equipped bidder.

People with non-medical backgrounds may not understand the details surrounding this particular topic, but it’s still their right to be informed. It is not the right of any doctor to issue a gag order against anyone who bad-mouthes him. This is not North Korea, and that plastic surgeon is not Kim Jong Un.

Do they really think that censoring us plays in that plastic surgeon’s favor? That it shows them in a better light? That it factors into their innocence? The only thing it does is show everyone how guilty they are.

In this banana republic, the murderers of Yves Nawfal and Georges El Rif have not yet had their trials take place, and yet this doctor has managed to secure an order that shuts everyone up about who they are and what they’ve done.

In this land they call a country, Annalise Keating would be out of a job because the system does her job for her. But being able to name a plastic surgeon is an extremely rare and difficult event.

6 thoughts on “In Lebanon, You Can Get Away With Murder, But Naming A Doctor Is Rare & Difficult

  1. Thumbs up for this post , but you still care abt Leb , more than it’s deserved , an article in L’Orient el Jour abt Roy Hamouche’s murder said in a part “leave youth Lebanon ,and never come back ,it’s a big jungle “


  2. Rima Maatouk
    July 22, 2017 at 2:11 AM
    I would like to reply to the July 19 article about using Syrian refugees as slaves….of course that is inhumane and must be stopped….but the writer of the article is very tough on the Lebanese people…please do not generalize….many of us are suffering terribly because of the presence of the Syrian refugees…yes we have welcomed them and helped them, but many syrians have not been grateful…they have abused our hospitality…my family come from a quiet small village up north…a village that always kept its doors open until the Syrian refugees arrived….my parents for as long as I can remember had a nice set of chairs and tables that were left in the garden….one day they disappeared …all were stolen during the night….the entire harvest of olives belonging to my parents was picked from the trees during the night before my parents had a chance to pick any for them selves…this includes the apple and lemon trees belonging to our family….the river that runs through our village has never been as dirty and as littered as it has been since the 2000 refugees filled our village… these incidents never occurred in our village before the arrival of the Syrian refugees…so they are not the only ones suffering …we have greatly suffered…we are afraid in our own homes…so please don’t take their side before you check all sides of their existence here….many of them are abusing the hospitality they have been offered by the Lebanese people…We can not let them drown us



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