More Pictures from the Syrian Houla Massacre

I had a few people ask me if I had more pictures of the Syrian Houla Massacre where over 106 people were killed, including 49 children and 20 women.

The new ones are a follow-up to this post and contain images that verify the location (last one), as well as ones showing the presence of UN-individuals at the location.

I will refrain from political commentary. The only thing that can be said: I see lots of humans but no humanity.

A bulletin hung at the premises where the body were put. The caption on top is Arabic for: the people of Houla

15 thoughts on “More Pictures from the Syrian Houla Massacre

  1. Pingback: The Little Children Terrorists of Syria « A Separate State of Mind | A Lebanese Blog

  2. Pingback: Syria's Assad Massacre of 1982 That The World Ignored | Then and Now [WARNING: EXPLICIT IMAGES] | WorldNewsQ™ | World Headlines | News headlines from around the world...

  3. Pingback: Lord Gaga X Does It Again « A Separate State of Mind | A Lebanese Blog

  4. r.i.p little angels, beautiful in life and more beauty in heaven. Sleep tight now little ones. No one else can hurt you now, your pain has gone. Your souls are free. x


  5. OMG this is so sad. these are children why do this to them they haven’t done any thing to any one..why is God letting this happen.. Babies R.I.P .. you are free now..


  6. I see only one person wearing a UN jacket and the rest of her clothes don’t match a normal UN Persons kit.! Why are the pics so blurred? I concur that some of the pics are undoubtably of deceased persons but so many of the others could be posed. Sorry to state this but the first casuality of war is the truth.


    • Why would you think that these pictures are fake? These are clearly pictures of children at a morgue who died in a horrific and tragic way. Have a little respect for the victims instead of writing them off as “posed”.


  7. These are things my heart and soul cannot understand. Why can this happen?
    GOD have mercy on us if we allow this to happen again.


  8. Astaghfirullah, Allah Humain Muraf kary, May Allah Subha-ho-tahalah forgive us. Please stop this it is inhumain and not allowed in any religion in the world. It is horrifying.


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